The following tables, groups, and variables are supported in this MIB.

Table/Group Supported Variables Comments
dot1dPortCapabilitiesTable dot1dDeviceCapabilities.

A table that contains capabilities information about every port that is associated with this bridge.



Bit 0 (dot1dExtendedFilteringServices)

Denotes the multicast address filtering capability by GMRP. ExtremeXOS does not support this, and returns 0 always.

Bit 1 (dot1dTrafficClasses)

Denotes switch capability on user priority mapping for multiple traffic classes. ExtremeXOS supports this, and always returns 1.

Bit 2 (dot1qStaticEntryIndividualPort)

Denotes switch capability on Static unicast/multicast address support for all/particular port. ExtremeXOS does not support this, and returns 0 always.

Bit 3 (dot1qIVLCapable)

Denotes switch capability on Independent VLAN Learning (IVL).ExtremeXOS supports this, and always returns 1.

Bit 4 (dot1qSVLCapable)

Denotes switch capability on Shared VLAN Learning (SVL). ExtremeXOS does not support this, and returns 0 always.

Bit 5 (dot1qHybridCapable)

Denotes switch capability to support both IVL and SVL. ExtremeXOS does not support this, and returns 0 always.

Bit 6 (dot1qConfigurablePvidTagging)

Denotes whether the switch supports the ability to override the default PVID setting and its egress status (VLAN-Tagged or Untagged) on each port. ExtremeXOS supports this, and always returns 1.

Bit 7 (dot1dLocalVlanCapable)

Denotes whether the switch supports multiple local vlans.ExtremeXOS supports this, and always returns 1.



The default ingress User Priority for this port. This only has effect on media, such as Ethernet, that do not support native User Priority. The value of this object MUST be retained across reinitializations of the management system.

Read-write access.