Table/Group Supported Variables Comments

When set to enabled(1) this object activates the current Convergence End Point configuration. When set to disabled(2) this MIB SHALL be configurable, but MUST NOT be applied, all entries will be removed from the etsysConvEndPointConnMacTable and the etsysConvEndPointConnPortTable, and any policies that have been changed as a result of End Point detection will revert to their default states. Maintaining the value of this object across agent reboots is REQUIRED.


etsysConvEndPointGlobalConfigTable   This table represents all Convergence End Point types supported by this entity, and provides a default policy profile for each Convergence End Point type.


etsysConvEndPointGlobalConfigEntry Defines the default policy to be applied when this type of Convergence End Point is detected or discovered.


etsysConvEndPointGlobalDefaultPolicyIndex The policy that should be applied for this type of Convergence End Point. This value is an etsysPolicyProfileIndex as defined in the ENTERASYS-POLICY-PROFILE-MIB. If no such policy index exists, then no policy will be applied when this type of Convergence End Point is detected or discovered. The value zero is not a valid etsysPolicyProfileIndex, so zero indicates that no policy should be applied. Maintaining the value of this object across system reboots is REQUIRED.


etsysConvEndPointProtocolConfigTable   This table provides control of Convergence End Point detection and discovery on a per interface and per Convergence End Point type basis. Maintaining the values of this table across system reboots is REQUIRED.


etsysConvEndPointProtocolConfigEntry The current Convergence End Point detection and discovery status for an interface.


etsysConvEndPointProtocolEndPointType The Convergence End Point type.


etsysConvEndPointProtocolEnable When set to enabled(1), Convergence End Point detection and discovery will be enabled on this interface for the Convergence End Point type specified. When set to disabled(2), the Convergence End Points that have been discovered or detected on this interface of the type specified will be removed from the etsysConvEndPointConnMacTable and the etsysConvEndPointConnPortTable. After all of the End Points have been removed from an interface the policy on that interface will revert to its default state.


etsysConvEndPointGlobalConfigAccountEnable When enabled(1), RADIUS accounting start, interim and stop frames are sent to the configured RADIUS server(s). When disabled(2), accounting packets are not sent to the RADIUS server.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacTable   This table provides information on each of the Convergence End Points that has been discovered or detected by this entity. Maintaining the value of this object across system reboots is NOT REQUIRED.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacEntry Information about an individual Convergence End Point.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacMacAddress The MAC address of this Convergence End Point.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacPortNumber The interface on which this Convergence End Point was detected or discovered.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacEndPointType The type of Convergence End Point described by this row.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacPolicyIndex The policy applied for this Convergence End Point. This value is an etsysPolicyProfileIndex as defined in the ENTERASYS-POLICY-PROFILE-MIB. If the desired policy does not currently exist, or never did exist, then a zero MUST be returned.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacDiscoveryTime The time and date that this Convergence End Point was detected or discovered.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacFirmwareVersion This is the firmware version of the discovered Convergence End Point. If this information is not available via the detection protocol then a zero length string MUST be returned.


etsysConvEndPointConnMacInetAddressType The address type of the discovered or detected Convergence End Point. If the address is unknown, then this object MUST return 'unknown'


etsysConvEndPointConnMacInetAddress The address of the discovered or detected Convergence End Point. If the address is unknown, then this object MUST return a zero length string.


etsysConvEndPointConnPortTable This table provides a mapping from the entities interfaces to discovered Convergence End Points. Maintaining the value of this object across system reboots is NOT REQUIRED.


etsysConvEndPointConnPortEntry Information about an individual Convergence End Point.


etsysConvEndPointConnPortMacAddress The MAC address of the discovered or detected Convergence End Point.


etsysCEPConnMacTable   This table provides information on each of the Convergence End Points that has been discovered or detected by this entity. Maintaining the value of this object across system reboots is NOT REQUIRED.


etsysCEPConnMacEntry Information about an individual Convergence End Point (CEP).


etsysCEPConnMacEndPointType The type of Convergence End Point described by this row.


etsysCEPConnMacPolicyIndex The type of Convergence End Point described by this row.


etsysCEPConnMacPolicyIndex The policy applied for this Convergence End Point. This value is an etsysPolicyProfileIndex as defined in the ENTERASYS-POLICY-PROFILE-MIB. If the desired policy does not currently exist, or never did exist, then a zero MUST be returned.


etsysCEPConnMacDiscoveryTime The time and date that this Convergence End Point was detected or discovered.


etsysCEPConnMacFirmwareVersion This is the firmware version of the discovered Convergence End Point. If this information is not available via the detection protocol then a zero length string MUST be returned.


etsysCEPConnMacInetAddressType The address type of the discovered or detected Convergence End Point. If the address is unknown, then this object MUST return 'unknown'.


etsysCEPConnMacInetAddress The address of the discovered or detected Convergence End Point. If the address is unknown, then this object MUST return a zero length string.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionMaxEntries This value represents the maximum number of entries allowed in the etsysConvEndPointDetectionTable.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionTable A table that describes the IP address and IP port based Convergence End Point detection parameters. Packets on interfaces that are configured to detect End Points, via the etsysConvEndPointProtocolConfigTable, that are defined in this table are inspected to determine if a Convergence End Point exists on that interface. Rules applying to Convergence End Point types that are configured for detection are evaluated according to the following:
  1. If etsysConvEndPointDetectionProtocol does not have any bits set, this indicates that the port based detection should not be performed, proceed to step 2. Otherwise the value in etsysConvEndPointDetectionProtocol is evaluated against the protocol field in the IP header, if it is of a, or the, type specified then the destination port must be between the values of etsysConvEndPointDetectionPortLow and etsysConvEndPointDetectionPortHigh, inclusive.
  2. If the etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddr is null, this indicates that no detection address check should be performed, consider the End Point detected. Otherwise the value the of etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddr will be masked with the value of etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddrMask, via a bitwise AND operation, and this value will be compared with the destination IP address that has also been masked with the value of etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddrMask, via a bitwise AND operation, if they are equal then consider the End Point detected.

If there are no rows in this table that are in the active state then the following pseudo entries describe the behavior of the IP based Convergence End Point detection.

EndPointType siemens

Protocol { { udp, tcp } }

PortLow 4060

PortHigh 4060

AddrType unknown

Addr ' '

AddrMaskType unknown

AddrMask ''

EndPointType h323

Protocol { { udp, tcp } }

PortLow 1718

PortHigh 1720

AddrType ipv4

Addr ''

AddrMaskType ipv4

AddrMask ''

EndPointType sip

Protocol { { udp, tcp } }

PortLow 5060

PortHigh 5060

AddrType ipv4

Addr ''

AddrMaskType ipv4

AddrMask ''

EndPointType h323

Protocol { { udp, tcp } }

PortLow 1718

PortHigh 1720

AddrType unknown

Addr ''

AddrMaskType unknown

AddrMask ''

EndPointType sip

Protocol { { udp, tcp } }

PortLow 5060

PortHigh 5060

AddrType unknown

Addr ''

AddrMaskType unknown

AddrMask ''

If one or more entries in this table are active the active entries will define the IP based detection behavior in its entirety. Maintaining entries in this table across system reboots is REQUIRED for entries with an etsysConvEndPointDetectionRowStatus value of active(1).


etsysConvEndPointDetectionEntry Each entry represents a describes parameters for detecting a Convergence End Point.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionRuleIndex The Convergence End Point device type that a 'hit' on this rule will indicate the presence of.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionProtocol The IP protocol type that the following port range applies to. If no bits are set then the destination port will not be evaluated as part of the detection process.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionPortLow The low end of the range of the IP destination port that will be used for Convergence End Point detection. This value represents the low value in a range of port numbers that will be used to indicate this type of Convergence End Point. This value must be less than or equal to etsysConvEndPointDetectionPortHigh.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionPortHigh The high end of the range of the IP destination port that will be used for Convergence End Point detection. This value represents the high value in a range of port numbers that will be used to indicate this type of Convergence End Point. This value must be greater than or equal to etsysConvEndPointDetectionPortLow.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddrType The destination address type that will be used for Convergence End Point detection. If the address type is 'unknown', then this value will not be evaluated as part of the detection process.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddr The destination IP address that will be used for Convergence End Point detection. If this address is null, then this value will not be evaluated as part of the detection process.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddrMaskType The address type of the mask that will be applied to the destination IP address as part of the Convergence End Point detection process. If the address type is 'unknown', then this value will not be evaluated as part of the detection process.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddrMask The destination address mask that will be used for Convergence End Point detection. If the mask is null, then this value will not be evaluated as part of the detection process.


etsysConvEndPointDetectionRowStatus The status of this row as defined by the RowStatus textual convention. Rows in this table can only transition to 'notInService', or to 'active' if the etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddrType object and the etsysConvEndPointDetectionAddrMaskType object have the same value, and either their values are not 'unknown' or there is at least one bit set in the etsysConvEndPointDetectionProtocol object.


etsysCEPDetectionPortConfigTable   A table of per port configuration for Convergence End Point detection. Maintaining the value of this object across system reboots is NOT REQUIRED.


etsysCEPDetectionPortConfigEntry An entry containing per port Convergence End Point data. Only interfaces that are able to detect Convergence End Points are represented in this table.


etsysCEPPortClearUsers Setting this object to a value of true(1) will cause all detected or discovered Convergence End Points to be removed from the following status tables:




Setting this object to a value of false(2) has no effect. This object will always return a value of false(2).


etsysCEPCdpPortConfigTable   A table of per port configuration for Convergence End Point detection related to the Cisco CDP protocol. Only ports that are capable of participating in Cisco CDP protocol are represented in this table.


etsysCEPCdpPortConfigEntry An entry containing per port Convergence End Point data. Only interfaces that are able to detect Convergence End Points are represented in this table.


etsysCEPCiscoCDPVoicePortVlan This object controls the behavior of the remote configuration of Cisco VOIP phones via Cisco CDP. Setting this object to a value of -1 will cause the device to not attempt to remotely configure a Cisco phone using CDP. Setting this object to a value of 0 will cause the device to configure the phone to send 802.1p priority tagged frames. A value of 4095 will cause the device to configure the phone to send untagged frames. A value in the range 1..4094 will cause the device to configure the phone to send 802.1Q tagged frames using that value as the VLAN ID encoded in the tag. This object SHOULD be maintained across device reboots.


etsysConvEndPointGlobalConfigGroup Objects which provide global control of the Convergence End Point features.

Status = deprecated.

etsysConvEndPointConfigGroup Objects which provide overrides to the global Convergence End Point controls.

Status = current.

etsysConvEndPointDetectionGroup Objects that provide configuration information specific to IP, port, and address based Convergence End Point detection.

Status = deprecated.

etsysConvEndPointStatusGroup Objects that provide status information for discovered and detected Convergence End Points.

Status = deprecated.

etsysConvEndPointStatusGroup2 Objects that provide status information for discovered and detected Convergence End Points.

Status = current.

etsysConvEndPointDetectionGroup2 Objects that provide configuration information specific to IP, port, and address based Convergence End Point detection

Status = current.

etsysConvEndPointPortConfigGroup Objects that provide per port control for discovered and detected Convergence End Points.

Status = current.

etsysConvEndPointCiscoVoiceVLANGroup Objects that provide per port control for configuring Cisco VOIP phones via Cisco CDP.

Status = current.

etsysConvEndPointGlobalConfigGroup2 Objects which provide global control of the Convergence End Point features.

Status = current.