Display System PoE Status

Display the PoE (Power over Ethernet) status for the switch.

The command provides status for the following areas:

  • Configured inline power status—The status of the inline power for the switch: enabled or disabled.

  • System power surplus—The surplus amount of power on the system, in watts, available for budgeting.

  • Redundant power surplus—The amount of power on the system, in watts, available for budgeting if one power supply is lost.

  • System power usage threshold—The configured power usage threshold for each slot, shown as a percentage of budgeted power. After this threshold has been passed on any slot, the system sends an SNMP event and logs a message.

  • Disconnect precedence—The method of denying power to PDs if the budgeted power on any slot is exceeded.

  • Legacy mode—The status of the legacy mode, which allows detection of non-standard PDs.

The output indicates the following inline power status information for each slot:

  • Inline power status—The status of inline power. The status conditions are:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Firmware status—The operational status of the slot. The status conditions are:

  • Operational
  • Not operational
  • Disabled
  • Subsystem failure
  • Card not present
  • Slot disabled
  • Budgeted power—The amount of inline power, in watts, that is reserved and available to the slot.

  • Measured power—The amount of power, in watts, that is currently being used by the slot.