RFC 1213 (MIB-II)

The following tables, groups, and variables are supported in this MIB.

Table/Group Supported Variables Comments

System group scalars

All objects

The sysServices object always returns the value 79.

Interfaces group

Supported as per RFC 2233.

IP Group scalars

All objects


All objects


All objects

Supported as read only. Routes are indexed by prefix only.


All objects

context support is available for the ipNetToMediaTable in MIB-2. In order to retrieve entries in various VRs for ipNetToMediaTable in MIB-2, VRs can be mentioned as contexts. For example, to get the entries in VR-Mgmt, the following net-snmp query needs to be used:

snmpwalk -v3 -n "VR-Mgmt" -u <v3username> -a md5 -a <v3user-authentication password> <deviceIpAddress/Hostname> ipNetToMediaTable

Here -n has the context value of "VR-Mgmt". If no context is specified in the SNMP query, then only the entries in the VR-Default are shown.

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) group

All objects

TCP group scalars

All objects


All objects

UDP group scalars

All objects


All objects

EGP Group

Not supported

SNMP group

All objects

At group

All objects

Supported as read only.