Viewing system optical monitoring defaults

You can view the optical monitoring default values by entering show defaults threshold followed by the SFP type.

The following example command will display the defaults for type 1GLR SFPs:

device# show defaults threshold sfp type 1GLR
Type: 1GLR      
|            |     High Threshold      |     Low Threshold       | Buffer |
| Area       | Value | Above  | Below  | Value     |  Below      | Value  |
|            |       | Action | Action |           |  Action     |        |
| Temp C     |    90 | raslog | none   |        -45|  raslog     |       0|
| RXP uWatts |   501 | raslog | none   |          6|  raslog     |       0|
| TXP uWatts |   794 | raslog | none   |         71|  raslog     |       0|
| Current mA |    45 | raslog | none   |          1|  raslog     |       0|
| Voltage mV |  3700 | raslog | none   |       2900|  raslog     |       0|