A maximum of 128 test profiles can be created on a system.
A maximum of 32 action profiles can be created on a system.
A maximum of 1024 Two-Way ETH-DM or Two-Way ETH-SLM sessions can be configured over a system.
A maximum of 32 Two-Way ETH-DM or Two-Way ETH-SLM sessions can be created (by associating maximum of 32 test
profiles) per source MEP and remote MEP that is RMEP) pair.
Only one Two-Way ETH-DM and one Two-Way ETH-SLM session can be active per source MEP and remote MEP pair per CoS at any point of time.
A maximum of 128 Two-Way ETH-DM or Two-Way ETH-SLM scheduled sessions can be activated on a node.
Only one action profile can be attached to a Source MEP and Target MEP that is RMEP pair. However one action profile can have many event to action(s) associations contained in it.
We recommend that you limit the number of packets sent from the node for measurement to 1280 across maximum of 128 scheduled sessions that can be active at a time across all Y.1731 modules. Any number of packets sent exceeding this limit is not supported by SLX-OS, release 17r.1.01.