Applying a CoS-to-traffic class mutation map to an interface

Follow these steps to apply a QoS CoS-to-traffic class map to an interface.

Before you begin

You have configured a QoS CoS-to-traffic class map.

About this task

The internal traffic class can be mapped to the outgoing PCP value when the packet egresses the switch. A user can create a priority mapping table using a CoS mutation map. This CoS mutation map can then be applied to an egress interface to effect the priority remapping. This feature only maps the incoming priority to outgoing priority.


  1. Enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Enter interface configuration mode..
    device(config)# interface ethernet 1/5
  3. Apply the CoS-to-traffic class map to an ingress interface and return to privileged EXEC mode.
    device(conf-if-eth-1/5)# qos cos-traffic-class tc_1
  4. Return to privileged EXEC mode.
    device(conf-if-eth-1/5)# end
  5. Verify the configuration.
    device# show qos maps cos-traffic-class tc_1
    Cos-traffic-class map 'tc_1'
        In-Cos   : 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
       ------- ------------------------
    Traffic-class: 5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
       Enabled on the following interfaces: Eth 1/5 
  6. Save the running-config file to the startup-config file.
    device# copy running-config startup-config

Applying a QoS CoS-to-traffic class mutation map to an interface configuration example

device# configure terminal
device(config)# interface ethernet 1/5
device(conf-if-eth-1/5)# qos cos-traffic-class tc_1
device(conf-if-eth-1/5)# end
device# show qos maps cos-traffic-class tc_1 
device# copy running-config startup-config