Configure Statistics Support for Egress ACL Rate Limit



  • This procedure requires a system reload to activate the profile configuration. Perform this procedure during a maintenance window so that the new counter can be activated without interrupting normal network services.
  • The egress ACL rate limiting feature is not supported on SLX 9150/Extreme 8520.
  1. In privileged EXEC mode, access global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Access hardware configuration mode.
    device(config)# hardware
  3. Configure the counter profile.
    device(config-hardware)# profile counters counter-profile-5
    The following message is displayed.
    Warning: To activate the new profile config, please run 
    'copy running-config startup-config' followed by 'reload system‘.
    You run these commands in steps 5 and 6.
  4. Access privileged EXEC mode.
    device(config-hardware)# exit
  5. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.
    device# copy running-config startup-config
  6. Activate the profile configuration.
    device# reload system
  7. After the system reloads, verify the configuration.
    device# show hardware profile counters counter-profile-5
     switch type: BR-SLX9540-4
                       current COUNTERS profile:    COUNTERS-PROFILE-5
                               InLIF - HitCount:    16384
                                 InL4 - FwdDrop:    8192
                              OutLIF - HitCount:    16384
                      Egress ACL - VOQ Counters:    8192
This example summarizes the steps in the procedure.
device# configure terminal
device(config)# hardware
device(config-hardware)# profile counters counter-profile-5
device(config-hardware)# exit
device# copy running-config startup-config
device# reload system
device# show hardware profile counters counter-profile-5