Traffic Management Counters

TM global statistics command

show tm statistics device

TM device level statistics commands

Use these commands to display traffic management statistics for interface modules.

device# show tm statistics device interface ethernet 4/1

TM Counters:

Ingress Counters:
Total Ingress Pkt Count                  1164304848
CPU Packet Count                         0
Enque Packet Count                       953260002
DeQue Packet Count                       953260002
Total Discard Pkt Count                  211045069
Oldest Discard Pkt Count                 0
Resolved to be dropped                   437190

Egress Counters:
Unicast Pkt Count                        586664425
FQP Pkt Count                            586664425
Discard UC Pkt Count                     0
Discard MC Pkt Count                     0
MC Packet Count                          0
EHP Discard Count                        0
device# show tm statistics device interface ethernet 3/25 details
TM Counters:
Ingress Counters:
Total Ingress Pkt Count                  863033385
CPU Packet Count                         13
NIF Packet Count                         863033385
OAMP Packet Count                        0
OLP Packet Count                         0
Recycle Packet Count                     0
MMU IDR Packet Count                     0
Enque Packet Count                       850127673
DeQue Packet Count                       850127673
Total Discard Pkt Count                  12905725
Oldest Discard Pkt Count                 0
Resolved to be dropped                   0
FDT Packet Count                         10837941
CRC Error Count                          0
Egress Counters:
Reassembly error Discard Count           21538682
    Packet UC Discard Count              10769341
    Packet MC Discard Count              0
    SOP UC Discard Count                 0
    SOP MC Discard Count                 10769341
Filter Discard Count                     10769341
    MC Pruning High Priority             0
    MC Pruning Low Priority              0
    LAG Pruning Discard Count            0
    PMF Discard Count                    0
    VLAN Member Discard Count            0
Discard UC Pkt Count                     0
Discard MC Pkt Count                     334638
UC Pkt Count                             839289732
MC Packet Count                          10434703
FQP Pkt Count                            849724435
Editor Discard Pkt Count                 0
Editor Pkt Count                         849724435
Total Egress Pkt Count                   849724435

TM VOQ commands

This command displays a summary count of traffic management VOQ discards.
device# show tm voq-stat ingress-device ethernet 2/1 discards

---------------- Ports 1/1 - 1/36 --------------------
Dest Port  |  Prio  |  Queue  |    Discards 
3/1        |   0    |   320   |     2473804 
2/4        |   0    |   224   |     1867789
4/2        |   2    |   434   |     1023452 
4/8        |   4    |   487   |      920349
1/2        |   1    |   120   |      858723  
1/3        |   1    |   128   |       75328  
2/5        |   0    |   260   |       22234  
2/6        |   0    |   268   |        5248  


The entries are sorted by highest number of discards with eight entries displayed by default.
This command displays a summary count of traffic management VOQ discards with priority 0.
device# show tm voq-stat ingress-device ethernet 2/1 discards priority 0

---------------- Ports 1/1 - 1/36 --------------------
Dest Port  |  Prio  |  Queue  |    Discards 
3/1        |   0    |   320   |     2473804 
2/4        |   0    |   224   |     1867789
2/5        |   0    |   260   |       22234  
2/6        |   0    |   268   |        5248  


The entries are sorted by highest number of discards with eight entries displayed by default.
Use this command to display TM VOQ statistics for an egress interface.
device# show tm voq-stat ingress-device ethernet 2/1 egress-port ethernet 2/7 priority 2


Priority 2
EnQue Pkt Count                          67404602
EnQue Bytes Count                        1768413221
Total Discard Pkt Count                  0
Total Discard Bytes Count                0
Current Queue Depth                      0
Maximum Queue Depth since Last read      160
This command displays a summary of TM VOQ max-queue-depth parameter statistics.
device# show tm voq-stat ingress-device 2/1 max-queue-depth

------------------ Ports 1/1 - 1/36 --------------------
Dest Port  |  Prio  |  Queue  |   Max Depth  |  Max Util
3/1        |   0    |   320   |     1013804  |     96%
2/4        |   0    |   224   |      902789  |     86%
4/2        |   2    |   434   |      543440  |     51% 
4/8        |   4    |   487   |      220349  |     21%
1/2        |   1    |   120   |      138723  |     13%
1/3        |   1    |   128   |       97328  |      9%
2/5        |   0    |   260   |       34234  |      3%
2/6        |   0    |   268   |       11723  |      1%
This command displays a summary of TM VOQ maximum buffer utilization.
device# show tm voq-stat ingress-device 2/1 max-buffer-util

--------- Ports 1/1 - 1/36 ---------
  Max Buffer Size |  Max Buffer Util
       6007013804 |       96%

TM device-level statistics for Extreme 8720, Extreme 8520, SLX 9250, and SLX 9150

Use the following command to display TM statistics for Extreme 8720, Extreme 8520, SLX 9250, and SLX 9150.

device# show qos tx-queue interface ethernet 0/1