Configure an IP Multicast Fabric

You can configure an IP multicast fabric.

About this task

Use this procedure to configure an IP multicast fabric.


If any devices in a fabric are in "admin-down" state, use of the following commands in that same fabric will not add or delete devices in the fabric: efa fabric device add-bulk and efa fabric device remove.


  1. Create a Clos fabric.
    # efa fabric create –-name clos_fabric --type clos --stage 3


    Optimized replication is not supported on small data center fabric.
  2. Enable multicast fabric settings.
    # efa fabric setting update –-optimized-replication-enable yes –-name clos_fabric
  3. Optional: Override the default MDT group and group range.
    # efa fabric setting update –-name clos_fabric –-mdtgroup-range <A.B.C.D/L> –-default-mdtgroup <A.B.C.D>
    # efa fabric setting update –-name clos_fabric –-mdtgroup-range –-default-mdtgroup
  4. Verify the fabric settings.
    # efa fabric setting show --name clos_fabric --advanced
    | Optimized Replication Enable   | Yes                    | 
    | MDT Group IPv4 Range           |            | 
    | Default MDT Group IPv4 address |              | 
  5. Add devices to the fabric.
    # efa fabric device add-bulk --name clos_fabric --leaf Leaf1IP,Leaf2IP,Leaf3IP,Leaf4IP --spine Spine1IP,Spine2IP --username admin --password password
  6. Configure the fabric.
    # efa fabric configure –name clos_fabric
  7. Verify the fabric configuration.
    # efa fabric show-config --name clos_fabric --advanced
    • All underlay configuration and overlay configurations are pushed to the devices and underlay topology is operational.
    • All BGP connections between leaf and spine nodes are established and neighbors are reachable.
    • Basic overlay configuration with optimized replication is configured.
    • All device configurations are applied to the devices in fabric. For more information, see Device Configuration.
  8. Create a tenant and endpoint group to bring up the multicast tunnels with leaf nodes.
    # efa tenant create --name tenant1 --l2-vni-range 10002-14190 --l3-vni-range 14191-14200 --vrf-count 10 --vlan-range 2-4090 --port Leaf1IP[0/12-16],Leaf2IP[0/12-16], Leaf3IP[0/12-16],Leaf4IP[0/12-16] --description Subscriber1
    # efa tenant epg create --name epg1 --tenant tenant1 --port Leaf1IP[0/15],Leaf2IP[0/15],Leaf3IP[0/16 --switchport-mode trunk --ctag-range 100