A well configured DNS server
during XCO deployment enables XCO services access to a host DNS
About this task
Follow this procedure to enable XCO
service access to a host DNS nameserver. Use the script available in the
/apps/efa/ directory on a TPVM and in the
/opt/efa directory on the server. 
- Ensure that you are a root user or have sudo privileges.
- Ensure that the DNS nameserver is valid.
- In a multi-node deployment, ensure that you update the DNS nameserver on
both nodes.
To enable XCO services access to
a host DNS nameserver, run the following command:
sudo <location of the script>/update-dns.sh --dns-action allow
To disable XCO services access to a host DNS nameserver, run the following
sudo <location of the script>/update-dns.sh --dns-action disallow