You can create a port channel for a tenant. A port channel, also known as a Link Aggregation Group (LAG) is a communication link between devices. You can specify speed, LACP negotiation, port, port channel number, LACP timeout, and the number of links that are required to be up.
For syntax and command examples, see the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.2.1 .
efa tenant po create --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --description <po-description> --mtu <1500-9216> --speed <100Mbps|1Gbps|10Gbps|25Gbps|40Gbps|100Gbps> --negotiation <active|passive|static> --port <list-of-po-members> --min-link-count <min-link-count> --number <po-number> --lacp-timeout <short|long>
efa tenant po create --tenant ten1 --name ten1po1 --port[0/1-2],[0/1-2] --speed 100Gbps --negotiation active --lacp-timeout short --min-link-count 2 --mtu 9000 --description "ten1po1 of ten1" PortChannel created successfully. --- Time Elapsed: 3.291185439s --- (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po show --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --detaill ================================================ Name : ten1po1 Tenant : ten1 ID : 7 Description : ten1po1 of ten1 Speed : 100Gbps MTU : 9000 Negotiation : active Min Link Count : 2 Lacp Timeout : short Ports :[0/1-2] :[0/1-2] State : po-created Dev State : provisioned App State : cfg-in-sync =============================================== --- Time Elapsed: 99.584783ms ---
SSH session to admin@ SLX# sh run int po interface Port-channel 1 speed 100000 minimum-links 2 mtu 9000 description ten1po1 of ten1 no shutdown ! SLX# show running-config interface Ethernet 0/1-2 interface Ethernet 0/1 description Port-channel ten1po1 Member interface channel-group 1 mode active type standard lacp timeout short no shutdown ! interface Ethernet 0/2 description Port-channel ten1po1 Member interface channel-group 1 mode active type standard lacp timeout short no shutdown !
efa tenant po create --tenant "ten1" --name "ten1po2" --port[0/9] --speed 10Gbps --negotiation static --min-link-count 1 --description po2 PortChannel created successfully. --- Time Elapsed: 3.065422112s --- ====================================================== Name : ten1po2 Tenant : ten1 ID : 6 Description : po2 Speed : 10Gbps MTU : Negotiation : static Min Link Count : 1 Lacp Timeout : Ports :[0/9] State : po-created Dev State : provisioned App State : cfg-in-sync ======================================================= --- Time Elapsed: 171.910633ms ---
SLX# sh run int po interface Port-channel 1 description po2 no shutdown !