Alert Commands

You can use alert commands to verify historical alerts and then filter the alerts based on resource, ID, severity or sequence ID.

The following table lists alert commands.

Command Description
efa system alert inventory show Alert inventory
efa system alert inventory show --id=31000 Alert definition filtered on Alert ID
efa system alert inventory show --resource=/App/System/Certificate Alert definition filtered on Resource
efa system alert show List of raised alerts
efa system alert show {--id=31000 | --severity=warning | --sequence-id | --resource /App/System/Security/Certificate | --limit 5 | --before-timestamp | --after-timestamp } Alerts that are filtered by id or severity, sequence-id, resource or timestamps
efa system alert show --before-timestamp 2022-08-11T17:32:28 --after-timestamp 2022-07-21T17:32:28 List of alerts raised between some timestamps
efa system alert show –limit=<number> Alerts from the alert history to the specified limit
efa system alert show --id=31000 Alerts from the history filtered on the ID
efa system alert clear Clear the alert history