Update a Port Channel

You can update an existing port channel for a tenant. You can update the port-add, port-delete, lacp-timeout, description, min-link-count, mtu-add, and the mtu-delete operations.

About this task

Follow this procedure to update a port channel.


Run the efa tenant po update command.
efa tenant po update --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --operation <port-add|port-delete|lacp-timeout|description|min-linkcount> --port <list-of-po-members> --lacp-timeout string <short|long> --minlink-count <min-link-count> --description <po-description>


(efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po create --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --port[0/1],[0/1] --speed 10Gbps --negotiation active --description

PortChannel created successfully.
--- Time Elapsed: 8.900145166s ---

(efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po show --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --detaill
Name            : ten1po1
Tenant          : ten1
ID              : 1
Description     : tenant1po1
Speed           : 10Gbps
MTU             :
Negotiation     : active
Min Link Count  : 1
Lacp Timeout    : long
Ports           :[0/1]
State           : po-created
Dev State       : provisioned
App State       : cfg-in-sync
--- Time Elapsed: 43.521043ms ---
  1. Update MTU for Port Channel
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation mtu-add --mtu 5000
    PortChannel: ten1po1 updated successfully.
    --- Time Elapsed: 1.432588278s ---
  2. Update Lacp-timeout for Port Channel
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation lacp-timeout --lacp-timeout short
    PortChannel: ten1po1 updated successfully.
    --- Time Elapsed: 268.24828ms ---
  3. Update Port for Port Channel
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation port-add --port[0/2],[0/2]
    PortChannel: ten1po1 updated successfully.
    --- Time Elapsed: 1.765536812s ---
  4. Update mini-link-count for Port Channel
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation min-link-count --min-link-count 2
    PortChannel: ten1po1 updated successfully.
    --- Time Elapsed: 1.396798321s ---
  5. Show Port Channel details
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po show --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --detail
    Name            : ten1po1
    Tenant          : ten1
    ID              : 1
    Description     : tenant1po1
    Speed           : 10Gbps
    MTU             : 5000
    Negotiation     : active
    Min Link Count  : 2
    Lacp Timeout    : short
    Ports           :[0/1-2]
    State           : po-created
    Dev State       : provisioned
    App State       : cfg-in-sync
    --- Time Elapsed: 68.366068ms ---
  6. Update delete MTU for Port Channel
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation mtu-delete
    PortChannel: ten1po1 updated successfully.
    --- Time Elapsed: 1.389710725s ---
  7. Update mini-link-count for Port Channel
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation min-link-count --min-link-count 1
    PortChannel: ten1po1 updated successfully.
    --- Time Elapsed: 1.371611014s ---
  8. Update delete Port from Port Channel
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation port-delete --port[0/1],[0/1]
    PortChannel: ten1po1 updated successfully.
    --- Time Elapsed: 1.611562693s ---
  9. Show Port Channel details
    (efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant po show --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --detail
    Name            : ten1po1
    Tenant          : ten1
    ID              : 1
    Description     : tenant1po1
    Speed           : 10Gbps
    MTU             :
    Negotiation     : active
    Min Link Count  : 1
    Lacp Timeout    : short
    Ports           :[0/2]
    State           : po-created
    Dev State       : provisioned
    App State       : cfg-in-sync
    --- Time Elapsed: 38.90523ms ---