XCO is supported on multiple management IP networks and routes, providing access to XCO from servers that are on different subnets.
The Multiple Management IP (MMIP) Networks feature offers the following support:
Supports single node and
multi-node deployments
Supports TPVM deployments,
server-based deployments, and VM-based deployments
Supports the configuration of
additional management IP networks and routes during XCO installation
Supports adding and viewing
management networks and routes after XCO installation
Supports deleting management
networks and routes after XCO installation
Supports the migration of the
multiple network configuration during the following XCO upgrade scenarios: single node to multi-node and multi-node to
Supports up to 6
Supports the RMA, backup,
restore, and upgrade functions
If you do not need multiple
management networks, simply reply "no" when prompted during XCO installation or upgrade. For instructions, see the installation and upgrade
topics in the
ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Deployment Guide,
MMIP architecture
In a multi-node deployment, the
sub-interface with the VLAN is created under the same NIC as the VIP
destination. In a single-node deployment, the sub-interface is created under the
NIC that you specified as the host IP installation (if there are multiple NICs).
Creating sub-interfaces on different NICs of the server is not supported.
XCO does not validate connectivity to the newer IP subnets. You are responsible
for ensuring reachability.
Changing IP subnets or IP routes
is not supported. To make changes to a management network or network route, you
must delete the network or route and then create a new one.
You can expect about 20 to 30
seconds of downtime when adding or deleting management networks.
In a multi-node deployment, both
nodes have to be up and available during add and delete operations (because
sub-interface creation and keepalived changes are unique to the node). Because
these are infrequent operations, you should verify that both the nodes are up
and in READY state before beginning add or delete operations.