Dwell Charts

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Dashboard Dwell Charts

Dwell Charts

The Dwell tab displays two User Distribution Dwell charts that provide detailed dwell time information:
  • User Distribution - User Walk-In
  • User Distribution - Dwell Time

User Distribution - User Walk In

This chart shows the dwell time of Walk-In users for the duration you select. The chart displays the dwell time for:
  • Total Users
  • New Users
  • Return Users

User Distribution - Dwell Time

This chart shows the dwell time for all users in your network for the duration you select. User dwell time is displayed for the following dwell times:
  • >30 Minutes
  • 30-60 Minutes
  • 1-2 Hours
  • 2-4 Hours
  • 4-7 Hours
  • > 7 Hours

Dashboard Controls

Filter data in the charts using the following Dashboard controls:

Table 1. Dashboard Controls
Dashboard Control Location Description
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to enable the network filter option within each chart. Select a network from the pull-down menu, and the dashboard updates to show data only for the selected network.
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to refresh the Dwell chart data.
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to add, edit or remove data from the chart.
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to remove data from the chart.
and Top-right corner of the widget Select to maximize and minimize a chart respectively.

Report Duration Filter

The Dwell charts include a filter data based on time duration. Select the report duration from the drop-down menu on the top-right, corner of the Dwell tab.
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Report Duration Filter
The filter options are:
  • 1 Hr
  • 8 Hrs
  • 1 Day
  • 1 Week
  • 1 Month
  • 3 Months