Analyze Users

Analyze → Users

System Level

You can view user details for the entire network or drill down to the site level to view user details for a specific site. The system-level user details displayed are:
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Displays the location or RF Domain name for each configured site.
Online Users
Displays the number of users currently connected to the network for each Location.
Blocked Users
Displays the number of users that are currently blocked from accessing the networks for each Location.
Offline Users
Displays the number of users that are not currently connected to the network for each Location.
Total Users
Displays the number of users, both online and offline, known to the system.

Site Level

Drill down to the site level to view online and blocked user details for a specific site.

Click to expand in new window
Site Level information is displayed when a site is selected from the navigation pane.
The User column displays the user icon associated with each online user.
The Name column displays the user name associated with each online user. If using social media authentication, the name is provided by the social media source.
The Email column displays the email address associated with each online user. If using social media authentication, the email address is provided by the social media source.
The Gender column displays an icon representing the gender of each online user.
The Source column displays the method that each online user used to authenticate. When social media authentication is enabled this will include Facebook, Google Plus, and LinkedIn.
Last Login
The Last Login column displays the full date and time when the user last authenticated on the network.
From the Action column perform one of the following actions on a user. Select Disconnect to end a user session on the network. Select Block to stop a user from using the network for 24 hours. The user may reconnect if they re-authenticate. Select Delete to remove a user from the database. If the user connects again they will be treated as new user.