Splash Templates

Configure > Splash Template > System Templates

The Splash Template screen has the following sub-screens: System Templates and User Templates.

The System Templates tab displays a summary of available captive portal splash screen templates. You can perform the following actions:
  • Download a system template and customize it to suit your requirements.
  • Clone a system template.
  • View a summary of networks to splash templates mapping.

To access the ExtremeGuest Essentials system templates:

  1. From the main menu, go to Configure > Splash Templates.
    The System Templates tab displays. To sort the templates alphabetically, select the arrows in the upper right. Select the arrows again to reverse the alphabetic sort.
    Click to expand in new window
    System Templates Screen
    System Templates Screen


    Four common System Templates are shown. You can select the eye icon in the upper right to show all available System Templates.

Downloading and Customizing Splash Templates

  1. Select a pre-made System Template from the screen. The available options are:
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with a simple Accept & Connect button. Selecting this button provides internet access and also registers the device with ExtremeGuest Essentials.
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with a simple Accept & Connect button and a hyperlink to view terms and conditions. Selecting this button provides internet access and also registers the device with ExtremeGuest Essentials.
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with a customizable registration form and social sign-in options. Guest user devices are registered along with their registration or social profile details with ExtremeGuest Essentials.
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with an option to capture guest user Email Addresses or Mobile Numbers. Guest user devices are registered along with their email addresses or mobile numbers with ExtremeGuest Essentials.
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with Facebook or GooglePlus social sign-in options. Guest user devices are registered along with their social profile details with ExtremeGuest Essentials.
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with customizable social sign-in options for platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Guest user devices are registered along with their social profile details with ExtremeGuest Essentials.
    Splash template to use for sponsored Wi-Fi access for different category of users. For example, employees can self-register their devices, and guests and vendors can request the sponsor to approve the Wi-Fi access.
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with a customizable user registration form and social sign-in options. Guest user registration details or social media profile details are registered with ExtremeGuest Essentials. Each guest user receives a One-Time-Passcode/Passcode to sign-in to the network. The template includes a Forgot Passcode button for users to recover forgotten passcodes.
    Splash template to use for free Wi-Fi access with a customizable user registration form and social sign-in options. Guest user registration details or social media profile details are registered with ExtremeGuest Essentials. Each guest user receives a One-Time-Passcode/Passcode to sign-in to the network.
  2. Select the icon to download the template locally.
  3. Edit the company name and logo, where applicable, and use the User Templates tab to upload the edited template.
    For information on uploading the template, see User Templates.

Cloning System Templates

  1. Select the icon, at the bottom, right corner of a template, to clone it.
    The selected template opens in the edit mode.
    Click to expand in new window
    Clone System Template Screen
    Clone System Template Screen
  2. Provide a Name for the cloned template.
  3. Customize the template as per your requirement. You can change the page layout, content, logo and the widgets applied to the themes on the screen. Refer to the User Templates section for information on editing a splash page.

Viewing Splash Templates to Network Mapping Summary

  1. To view a summary of splash template to network mapping, select the icon.
    Select the icon to return to the System Templates screen.
    The Splash Templates Mapping Summary screen displays.
    Click to expand in new window
    Summary View Screen
    Summary View Screen

    In the Summary View, the ExtremeGuest Hosted templates are listed. These templates are hosted directly on ExtremeGuest Essentials.

  2. Select the icon and select a network from the drop-down menu displayed. The screen updates to display templates associated with the selected network.
    For each template, the Name and Status is displayed.
  3. You can perform the following actions on the Splash Template Mapping Summary screen:
    Check Template Status Select the icon to display troubleshooting and log information for a template.

    This information includes network reachability, configuration validity and splash template verification. It also displays log entries for this template. Use the filter field to filter log entries. Download or copy the log using the Save to Disk and Copy to Clipboard buttons respectively.

    Re-Apply Select the or icons to clear and re-apply the splash template to its associated site.
    Delete Select the icon to remove the splash template from ExtremeGuest Essentials.