Dashboard Basics

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Example Dashboard Screen

Dashboard Components

The Dashboard includes several components:
  • Location
  • Main
  • Controls
  • Report Duration Filter


The left-panel tree includes your networks. Expand your networks to display the locations within each network. Select a location. Then select widgets in the Main panel to display the client and usage data for the selected locations.


The Main Dashboard area displays the following:
  • Themes - define the layout of the dashboard page and control the number of widgets that can be displayed.
  • Widgets - control the type of information that is displayed in the dashboard. For more information on what dashboard widgets are available see: Available Dashboard Widgets.

Dashboard Controls

Filter data or change the view of a widget using the controls available on the dashboard. Not all controls are available for each widget. The following table describes the widget controls:

Table 1. Dashboard Controls
Dashboard Control Location Description
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to enable the network filter option within each widget. Select a network from the pull-down menu, and the dashboard updates to show data only for the selected network.
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to refresh the dashboard data.
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to add, edit or remove widgets from the dashboard.
Top-right corner of the dashboard Select to remove widgets from the dashboard.
and Top-right corner of the widget Select to maximize and minimize a widget respectively.

Report Duration Filter

The dashboard widgets let you filter data based on time duration. Select the report duration from the drop-down menu on the top-right, corner of the dashboard.
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Report Duration Filter
The filter options are:
  • 1 Hr
  • 8 Hrs
  • 1 Day
  • 1 Week
  • 1 Month
  • 3 Months