Authorization Policy

Configure → Settings → Authorization Policy

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Authorization Policy Screen
The Authorization Policy screen lists existing Authorization Policy details. This list contains both user-defined and system-provided policies.
Displays the unique name assigned to the Authorization Policy when it was created.
Displays the description entered when the Authorization Policy was created.
Select the icon to delete an existing Authorization Policy.

Default, System-provided Authorization Policies

ExtremeGuest Essentials portal provides the following default Authorization Policies:
Denies access to registered users who are not authorized to access the network.
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This policy is applicable for already registered guest users. It authenticates the user, applies the Guest Access role/group and provides network access.
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Registers a first-time guest user and applies the Unregistered role to the user.
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Provides temporary guest access to your network. Note, temporary guest users are not applied to any role/group.
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