Access Groups

Configure → Settings → Access Groups

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Access Groups Screen
The Access Group screen displays existing Access Groups and their basic configuration.
Displays the unique name assigned to the Access Group when it was created.
Displays the description entered when the Access Group was created.
Select the icon to delete an existing Access Group.

Default, System-provided Access Groups

The ExtremeGuest Essentials portal provides the following default Access Groups that you can edit and use or use as is:
This is the default group applied for guests who have temporary access to your network. The Authorization Policy associated with this group is TempAccess Policy.
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This is the default group applied to users before registration. The Authorization Policy associated with this group is UnregisteredPolicy.
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This is the default group applied to users after they have registered. The Authorization Policy associated with this group is GuestAccessPolicy
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This is the default group applied to users who are already registered but are unauthorized to use the network. The Authorization Policy associated with this group is DenyAccessPolicy
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