Report Settings

Configure or modify the following settings before generating a report:
Report Name
The name of the report.
Report Type
The type of report. Some report settings are specific to the report type. Valid values are:
  • Guest Visit History
    The selected site.
    Time period for which the report data is collected. Valid values are:
    • Last Hour
    • Last Day
    • Last Week
    • Last Month
    • Last 3 Months (Maximum time period)
    • Custom

      After selecting Custom, provide a Start Date and Time and an End Date and Time to create a custom time period.

  • Dashboard Report
    Dashboard Name
    Select from a list of configured dashboards. Configure the dashboard before you run the report.
  • Guest Summary Report
    The selected site.
    Time period for which the report data is collected. Valid values are:
    • Last Day
    • Last Month
The output format for the generated report. Valid values are:
  • PDF
  • CSV


CSV format is only available for Guest Visit History reports.

Select Schedule to schedule a report generation. Configure the following scheduling parameters:
  • Start Date and Time
  • End Date and Time
  • Frequency — The report is generated once over a particular period of time. Valid values are:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  • Time — Specific time the report is generated. This value corresponds to the selected Frequency value.
    • Daily:
      • Single time of day
    • Weekly:
      • Single day of the week
      • Single time of day
    • Monthly:
      • Single day of the month
      • Single time of day