Adding Authorization Policies

Configure → Settings → Authorization Policies → Add

To add an Authorization Policy:

  1. Go to Configure → Settings .
    The Authorization Policy screen displays by default.
  2. Select theicon to add a new authorization profile.
    The add Authorization Policy Add screen displays.
    Click to expand in new window
    Authorization Policy Add Screen
  3. Configure the following settings:

Specify a unique designation for the new authorization policy.


This setting is mandatory.
Enter a description for the new authorization policy.


This setting is mandatory.
Inactivity Timeout
Set an inactivity timeout from 60 - 86,400 seconds. If a frame is not received from a client within the set time, the current session is terminated.
Session Timeout
Enable this option to set a client session timeout from 5 - 144,000 minutes. This is the session time a client is granted upon successful authentication. Upon expiration, the RADIUS session is terminated.

  1. Select Save to save your changes or select Cancel to discard the new authorization policy.