Creating a New Dashboard

Dashboard → Create New

This section describes how to create customized ExtremeGuest Essentials dashboards.


Dashboards can be created based on the selected location.

You can create customized ExtremeGuest Essentials dashboards with specific theme and widget layouts. Themes define the number of data fields displayed in respect to the number of data items (widgets) trended. ExtremeGuest Essentials features a flexible dashboard design where the dashboard widgets can be added individually and freely resized once added to the dashboard.

To create a new dashboard:

  1. Go to Dashboard → Create New.
    The create new dashboard screen displays.
    Click to expand in new window
    ExtremeGuest Essentials New Dashboard Screen


    The new dashboard screen displays with no themes or widgets selected.
  2. Drag and drop a theme from the Select Theme menu onto the main window.
    To change the layout, drag another theme in place of the current one.
    The dashboard layout displays the theme outline.
    Click to expand in new window
    Selecting a Dashboard Theme
  3. Change to the Select Widget view, by clicking the icon.
  4. Drag widgets into the layouts to populate the dashboard.
    Click to expand in new window
    Selecting Dashboard Widgets


    Once a widget is placed it displays the data associated with that widget. For information on the widget types available, see Available Dashboard Widgets.
  5. Select Save to commit your changes or select Cancel to cancel dashboard creation.
    When saving a new dashboard provide the following information:
    Enter a name that uniquely identifies the dashboard and defines its purpose. Once added, this dashboard name displays in the Dashboard menu.


    This value is mandatory.
    Enter a brief description of the newly created dashboard.


    This value is optional.
    Select this option to make the dashboard available to all ExtremeGuest management interface users.
  6. Select Save to save and exit.