Available Dashboard Widgets

Category Widget Description
Clients Distribution - Device Type Bar graph displaying client count sorted by mobile device model.
Clients Distribution - OS Type Bar graph displaying client count sorted by the operating system used on the user's mobile device.
Clients Distribution - Browser Type Bar graph displaying client count sorted by the web browser used to authenticate on the user's mobile device.
Users Distribution - Age Range Pie chart displaying client age ranges in the following distribution:
  • < 18
  • 18-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • > 64
Users Distribution - Gender Pie chart displaying user distribution by gender.
Users Distribution - Social Bar graph displaying user distribution by authentication source. When social media authentication is enabled this includes the social media platform users used as mode of authentication.
Users Distribution - Conversion Graph displaying the number and percentage of users who converted from Connected to Onboarded customers.
Users Distribution - Dwell Time Bar graph displaying the amount of time users stayed at a location over a filtered time period. Filter the Dwell Time information into the following time periods:
  • 1 hour: with data points each minute
  • 8 hours: with data points each hour
  • 1 day: with data points each hour
  • 1 week: with data points each day
  • 1 month: with data points each day
  • 3 months: with data points each day
Users Distribution - User Walk In Graph displaying the number of users entering a location over a filtered time period. Filter the User Walk In information into the following time periods:
  • 1 hour: with data points each minute
  • 8 hours: with data points each hour
  • 1 day: with data points each hour
  • 1 week: with data points each day
  • 1 month: with data points each day
  • 3 months: with data points each day
  • 6 months: with data points each day
  • 1 year: with data points each day
Data is further separated between Total Users, Return Users, and New Users.
Usage Data Usage Chart Graph displaying upstream and downstream bandwidth usage over time.
Usage Data Usage Summary Graph displaying upstream, downstream, and total bandwidth usage.
Usage Key Metrics Infographic displaying user information about online status, device, and social media sign in status.
Miscellaneous Label Custom label for creating Dashboard titles.