QoS Support for 10 GbE Interface in 1GbE mode

If you use QoS with a 10 gigabit Ethernet (GbE) interface and re-purpose the interface as a 1 GbE interface, you must make the necessary configuration changes to accommodate the new link speed.

Check your rate limiting and shaping configuration, if you choose to change the port link speed from 10 GbE to 1 GbE.

Review the following commands to ensure proper configuration for the port speed you use.



qos if-rate-limiting [port {slot/port}] rate <1000-40000000>

Configures ingress port rate limiting in kbps.


The range can vary depending on your hardware platform.

rate-limit broadcast <1-65535>

Configures ingress port broadcast/unknown unicast rate limiting in packets/second.

rate-limit multicast <1-65535>

Configures ingress port multicast rate limiting in packets/second.

qos if-shaper [port {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]} ] shape-rate <shape-rate>

Specifies the shaping rate in Kb/s. Different hardware platforms support different egress rate limits, depending on the port with the highest speed available on the platform. If you try to configure a limit that is too high for the port speed, the switch displays the following message: Error: port slot/port, The QOS Egress shaper rate can not exceed the port capability.