If you do not have the appropriate information on-hand when starting this process,
enter temporary placeholder information in order to move to attribute mapping.
However, you must enter the correct information before SSO can function
To add an IDP and enable SSO:
- Select the account icon in the
top-right corner of the user interface.
- Select .
- Select the Add Identity
Provider button in the upper-right corner.
- Choose an IDP.
- Enter the domain name, and write
a description for the IDP.
- Provide the IDP Metadata using
one of the following methods:
- Import Metadata - Drag
and drop the metadata files onto the shown area, or select the
Files button to browse for the files on your computer
- Import from URL - Import
the IDP metadata by entering the web address for the metadata.
- Manually Enter - Enter
the metadata manually using the information provided by the IDP.
- Select Save.