Manage NotificationsNEW!

Go to Manage > Alerts > Alert Policy > Notifications.

Users can configure notifications to send alerts to Webhook URLs for viewing alerts in real time or to email addresses for viewing alerts when it is convenient.

The Notifications window has two tabs:

Each tab includes management tools that allow users to choose from the following actions:

Manage Emails Tab

Email Notifications List Column Headings describes the type of information displayed under each column in the Email Notifications list and any actions that a user can take.

Table 1. Email Notifications List Column Headings
Column Heading Description
Email Address Email address to which alerts are sent.
Created On Date on which the notification is created.
Verify Indicates whether the email address is verified, and allows users to initiate the email verification process, as follows:
  • Unverified —
  • Verified —

To start the verification process, select . The recipient at the configured email address must open the verification email that ExtremeCloud IQ sends, and select Validate Your Email Address within 30 minutes to complete the verification process. If verification is successful, displays when the window refreshes. To refresh the window, select , or exit and return to the Email tab.

Actions Choose from the following actions:
  • Select to delete the associated list entry.
  • Select to edit the associated list entry.

Manage Webhooks Tab

Webhook Notifications List Column Headings describes the type of information displayed under each column in the Webhook Notifications list and any actions that a user can take.
Table 2. Webhook Notifications List Column Headings
Column Heading Description
Post URL URL to which the alerts are sent.
Access Token Access token, if configured.
Created On Date on which the notification is created.
Actions Choose from the following actions:
  • Select to delete the associated list entry.
  • Select to edit the associated list entry.