Import Captive Web Portal HTML Files

This task is part of creating or editing a network policy. Use this task to import an HTML file for your CWP (captive web portal) configuration.


Import HTML overrides the settings you configured in Customize and Preview.
  1. On the New Captive Web Portal page, select Import HTML under Captive Web Portal Settings .
  2. Select Upload/Remove, navigate to the files on your system and upload them.
  3. Select Done.
  4. Select the files you want to use as the Login and Success pages, and then select Save CWP.

    There is no need for a failure page because error messages appear on the Login page rather than requiring navigation to a separate page. The imported files are immediately saved to ExtremeCloud IQ.



    If you previously completed the configuration with default files and uploaded the network policy to your APs, you do not need to upload the configuration again. As long as the customized files have the same names as the default ones, they will immediately take their place after they are imported to ExtremeCloud IQ.

Complete the network policy configuration.