Add a Network Service Object

Network service objects identify Layer 4 traffic by protocol and port number. Use this task to create custom network services to use when defining firewall policies.

  1. Select the add icon.
  2. Enter a name for the new object.
  3. Enter an optional description.
  4. Set how long the device waits before it terminates an inactive session.
  5. Choose the protocol that you want the service to use:
    • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) – 6
    • UDP (User Datagram Protocol) – 17
    • SVP (SpectraLink Voice Priority) – 119
    • Custom – For this custom option, the Protocol Number field replaces the Port Number field. Enter the protocol ID number (1 to 255).


      When you use a custom protocol, a destination port number is not required because the receiving device can use the protocol to map the service to the appropriate processor.
  6. For services that use TCP or UDP, set the destination port number used by the receiving device to map the service to a specific processor.
  7. If this service needs to make use of an application layer gateway (ALG), select DNS, FTP, HTTP, SIP, or TFTP, from the drop-down list, otherwise, leave this empty.
  8. Select Save Network Service.