Configure Redundant Management

To configure Redundant Management, use the following commands.


Redundant Management is supported on the SLX 9250/Extreme 8720 and the SLX 9740/Extreme 8820 devices.
  1. Ensure interface management is enabled.
    device# configure
    device(config)# interface management 0
    device(config-Management-0)# ip address dhcp
    device(config-Management-0)# no shut
    device(config-Management-0)# exit
  2. Enable redundant management on an interface/port. RMI is always enabled on one of the physical user ports. To enable RMI on an interface/port:
    device(config)# interface ethernet 0/15
    device(conf-if-eth-0/15)# redundant-management enable
    device(conf-if-eth-0/15)# no shut
    device(conf-if-eth-0/15)# exit
  3. Use show interface management and show interface ethernet commands to verify the configuration.
    (device)# show interface Management 0
    interface Management 0
    line-speed actual "1000baseT, Duplex: Full"
    oper-status up
    ip address "static"
    ip gateway-address
    ipv6 ipv6-address [  ]
    ipv6 ipv6-gateways [  ]
    redundant management port 0/15
    (device)# show interface ethernet 0/15
    Ethernet 0/15 is admin down, line protocol is down (admin down)
    Redundant management mode is enabled
    Hardware is Ethernet, address is 609c.9f5a.a35f
        Current address is 609c.9f5a.a35f
    Pluggable media not present
    Description: Insight port
    Interface index (ifindex) is 202350592 (0xc0fa000)
    MTU 9216  bytes
    Maximum Speed        : 10G
    LineSpeed Actual     : Nil
    LineSpeed Configured : Auto, Duplex: Full
    Priority Tag disable
    Forward LACP PDU: Disable
    Route Only: Disabled
    Tag-type: 0x8100
    Last clearing of show interface counters: 00:01:13
    Queueing strategy: fifo
    FEC Mode - Disabled
    Receive Statistics:    0 packets, 0 bytes
        Unicasts: 0, Multicasts: 0, Broadcasts: 0
        64-byte pkts: 0, Over 64-byte pkts: 0, Over 127-byte pkts: 0
        Over 255-byte pkts: 0, Over 511-byte pkts: 0, Over 1023-byte pkts: 0
        Over 1518-byte pkts(Jumbo): 0
        Runts: 0, Jabbers: 0, CRC: 0, Overruns: 0
        Errors: 0, Discards: 0
    Transmit Statistics:
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        Unicasts: 0, Multicasts: 0, Broadcasts: 0
        Underruns: 0    Errors: 0, Discards: 0
    Rate info:
        Input 0.000000 Mbits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% of line-rate
        Output 0.000000 Mbits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% of line-rate
    Route-Only Packets Dropped: 0
    Time since last interface status change: 00:01:13