Python scripts and run-logs



To access sample scripts and related resources, refer to

Script for assigning interfaces to port channels (

The script is an example for automating common configuration tasks. This script runs the relevant show running-config commands before and after the following actions:
  • VLAN configuration
  • Port-channel configuration
  • Adding interfaces to port channels


Lines beginning with # are annotations.
#Required in all scripts for SLX-OS:
from CLI import CLI

slot = [0]
interfaces = [28, 29, 30, 31]
port_channel = 10
vlan_range = "101-105"

# Runs show running-config int vlan before the configuration, and assigns this SLX
# command to a Python variable named cmd_show_running_vlans.
cmd_show_running_vlans = CLI("show running-config vlan")

# Configures VLANs.  {} is a placeholder for the format (arg1, arg2, ... argN) variables:
cmd_configure_vlans = CLI("config \n vlan {}".format(vlan_range))

# Reruns show running-config int vlan, following definition of new VLANs:

# Configures port channel (vLAG):
cmd_show_running_port_channels = CLI("show running-config int po")
cmd_configure_port_channel = CLI("config \n int po {} \n switchport \n switchport mode trunk \n switchport trunk allowed vlan add {} \n switchport trunk tag native-vlan ; no shut".format(port_channel, vlan_range))

# Reruns show running-config int po, following configuration changes:

# Adds interfaces to port channel (vLAG)

for interface in interfaces:
    cmd_configure_interface = CLI("config \n int eth {}/{} \n channel-group {} mode active type standard \n no shut".format(slot, interface, port_channel))
    cmd_show_running_int_tengig = CLI("show running-config int eth {}/{}".format (slot, interface))

# Runs show running-config:
cmd_show_running = CLI("show running-config")

Run-log (

A log upon running was as follows:

SLX# python                                                                 !Command: show running-config vlan     
!Time: Fri Dec 16 18:35:41 2016

vlan 1
vlan dot1q tag native

!Command: config 
 vlan 101-105
!Time: Fri Dec 16 18:35:41 2016

!Command: show running-config vlan
!Time: Fri Dec 16 18:35:41 2016

vlan 1
vlan 101
vlan 102
vlan 103
vlan 104
vlan 105
vlan dot1q tag native

!Command: show running-config int po
!Time: Fri Dec 16 18:35:41 2016

% No entries found.

!Command: config 
 int po 10 
 switchport mode trunk 
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101-105 
 switchport trunk tag native-vlan ; no shut
!Time: Fri Dec 16 18:35:41 2016

!Command: show running-config int po
!Time: Fri Dec 16 18:35:42 2016

interface Port-channel 10
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101-105