Installation Site Requirements

Depending upon the cabling used, you need to provide 7.5 to 10 cm (3 to 4 in.) of clearance on the switch I/O port side of the SSA switch.

See Environmental Guidelines for ExtremeSwitching Products for environmental guidelines relating to the SSA switch installation.

The installation site must be within reach of the network cabling and must meet the requirements listed below:



To ensure proper ventilation and prevent overheating, leave a minimum clearance space of 5.1 cm (2.0 in.) at the front and rear of the device.

Precaución: Para asegurar una buena ventilación y evitar que el sistema se sobrecaliente, deje un espacio mìnimo de 5.1 cm (2 pulgadas) con respecto el anverso y reverso del aparato.