Flush-Mount Configuration with Power Supply Facing Front

The flush-mount, power supply facing front, configuration is depicted in callout 2, SSA Switch Rack Configurations. This SSA switch rack mount configuration requires the repositioning of the rack mount ears on both sides of the device.

To reposition the rack mount ears for this configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the screw by the three holed ear, as shown in Flush Mount Power Supply Front Configuration callout 1, and loosen the opposite screw, shown by callout 2.
  2. Pivot the rack mount ear at the loosened screw, shown by callout 3, repositioning the rack mount ear so that the three-holed ear is flush with the switch I/O port side of the device.
  3. Reinsert the front screw, shown by callout 4, and retighten the middle screw, shown by callout 5.
  4. Repeat step 1 through step 3 on the other side of the chassis.
    Click to expand in new window
    Flush Mount Power Supply Front Configuration
    1 = Ear mount screw removal 4 = Ear mount screw insertion
    2 = Rack mount ear pivot screw 5 = Pivot screw retightened
    3 = Repositioning of rack mount ear