Completing the Installation

After installing the SSA switch and connecting it to the network, access the command line interface (CLI) from your PC or terminal connection as described in the following steps.



Use this procedure only for initial login and for logging in to a device that is not yet configured with administratively-supplied user and password settings.

By default, the SSA switch is configured with three user login accounts:

ro Read-Only access
rw Read-Write access
admin Super-user access to all modifiable parameters

The default password for all three accounts is set to blank (null). For information on changing these default passwords, refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide.

  1. Connect a terminal to the local console port as described in Connecting to a Local Management Console.
    The startup screen displays.
    login: admin
    Command Line Interface
    Extreme Networks, Inc.
    145 Rio Robles
    San Jose, CA 95134 USA
    Phone:  +1 800 998 2408
    (c) Copyright Extreme Networks, Inc. 2016
    Chassis Serial Number:      xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Chassis Firmware Revision:  xx.xx.xx.xxxxT
    User admin last logged in WED SEP 14 16:12:42 2016
    There have been 0 failed login attempts since then
  2. At the login prompt, enter one of the following default user names:
    • ro for Read-Only access
    • rw for Read-Write access
    • admin for Super User access. (This access level allows read-write access to all modifiable parameters, including user accounts.)
  3. Press Enter.
  4. The Password prompt displays. Leave this string blank and press Enter.
    The device information and SSA switch prompt appear as shown in step 1.
The SSA switch is now ready to be configured. The CLI commands enable you to initially set up and perform more involved management configurations.
For information about setting the IP address and configuring Telnet settings for remote access to SSA switch management, refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide.