Wireless Devices - Live Data

This screen displays the live data for all wireless devices identified by ExtremeLocation Essentials in the selected site.


If a client's data is deleted in ExtremeCloud IQ, all configured, cached, Live, and Historical data related to that client is also deleted from ExtremeLocation Essentials.


If Reset VIQ is selected in ExtremeCloud IQ, all configured data for locations, devices, and clients is cleared from ExtremeLocation Essentials. In addition, all cached, Live, and Historical data related to that VIQ is cleared from ExtremeLocation Essentials.
  1. Occasionally use button to refresh data.
    The data in this screen does not refresh automatically. The screen has to be manually refreshed to view the latest data.
  2. Use the button to download the list of devices to your local PC as a .csv (comma separated value) file.
  3. Use the Search field to filter to the data of interest. Enter a search string in this field.
    Search terms are not case sensitive.
    The displayed data is automatically sorted based on the search string.
    Click to expand in new window
    Search Function
  4. Select a site from the Site drop-down list.
    The screen refreshes to display a list of all devices identified in this site.
    Click to expand in new window
    Live Devices List for a Site
  5. If the Live option is not selected, select it. Live is the default option for this screen.
  6. Review the data displayed on this screen to look for devices and activities of interest.
    Field Description
    Client MAC This field displays the client device's MAC address.
    Device Type This field displays the device type. This is the classification of the identified device. You can classify devices within a specific vertical. See Device Classification Settings for information on vertical device classification.
    Floor Name This field displays the floor on which the device was identified.
    Category This field displays the area where this device was identified or seen. A category is a user defined part of a site that logically divides the site based on the usage of the area. For example, "Warehouse", "Lobby", "Canteen" or similar.
    Site Enter Time This field displays the time the identified device was first seen and identified on this site.
    Category Enter Time This field displays the time the identified device was categorized as one of Visitor, Asset, or Staff.
  7. For the Actions column, use the icons to perform specific actions on the selected asset. You can edit the asset's information or remove it.
  8. Use the Search field to filter to the data of interest. Enter a search string in this field.
    Search terms are not case sensitive.
    The displayed data is automatically sorted based on the search string.
    Click to expand in new window
    Search Function
  9. Use the icon in the Actions column to edit the device's automatic device type classification.

    The Update Device Type window displays

    Click to expand in new window
    Update Device Type screen

    Select the appropriate Device Type using the available options in this screen.

    Once done, select the Update button to update the device's device type classification. At any time, select the Cancel button to exit without modifying the automatic device type classification.

  10. Occasionally use button to refresh data.
    The data in this screen does not refresh automatically. The screen has to be manually refreshed to view the latest data.
  11. Use the button to download the list of devices to your local PC as a .csv (comma separated value) file.