Add an Engagement Category

To create a new engagement category:
  1. Use the icon to add a new engagement category.

    A new Engagement Category is created and the following screen displays.

    Click to expand in new window

    Enter the following information for the new category:

    Field Description
    Name Enter a name for this category. The name should be such that it identifies the category among other similar ones.
    Description Enter a brief description about this category. Use this space to provide more information about this category.
    Crowding Threshold Use this spinner to set the crowding threshold for this category. When this threshold exceeds, a crowding event is generated for this category. A crowding event is generated when the ratio of the number of visitors to the number of staff assigned to this category exceeds this threshold.
  2. Select the Save button to save the changes made to the General Information screen. At any time, select the Cancel button to exit without creating the category.
  3. Select the Site menu item.

    The Site Categories screen displays.

    Click to expand in new window

    The following information is displayed:

    Field Description
    Name Displays the name of the site attached to this category.
    Site Group If the site is associated with a site group, then that site group name or names are listed in this field.
    Latitude Displays the latitude of the physical location of this site.
    Longitude Displays the longitude of the physical location of this site.
    Time Zone Displays the local time zone at this site.

    Use the Map Site button to map sites to this category.

  4. Select the Save button to save the changes made to the Sites screen.
  5. Select the AP menu item.

    The Access Point Categories screen displays.

    Click to expand in new window

    The following information is displayed.

    Field Description
    AP MAC Displays the MAC address of this access point.
    Host Name Displays the host name assigned to this access point. If the host name is not assigned, shows a blank entry.
    Site Name Displays the name of the site where this access point is deployed.
    Floor Name Displays the name of the floor where this access point is deployed.
    Last Seen Displays the timestamp when this access point was last seen by ExtremeLocation Essentials system.
    Status This field provides a visual indication about the access point. A Green dot indicates that the Access Point is active.