MGT IP Filter Settings

Table 1. Settings for MGT IP Filters
Setting Description
Name Type a Name for the filter.
Description (Optional)

Type a Description for the filter. Although optional, entering a description is helpful for troubleshooting and for identifying the filter.

Permitted Management Traffic Source
Available IP Objects IP objects in this list are preconfigured. To add to the list, select ADD ANOTHER IP OBJECT. See Settings for IP Objects.

Select an IP address in the Available IP Objects column, and then select the single arrow ( > ) to move it to the Selected IP Objects column.

Use the double arrow >> to move all available IP addresses.

Selected IP Objects IP objects in this list are the IP addresses from which administrators can access the devices.

Select an IP address in the Selected IP Object column, and then select the single arrow ( > ) to move it to the Available IP Objects column.

Use the double arrow >> to move all available IP addresses.

Table 2. Settings for IP Objects
Setting Description
Name (Required)

Type a Name for the new IP object.

Subnet (Required)

Type the new IP Address and Subnet.