Configure iBeacon Service

First configure a network policy.

Consider the following:

  • The iBeacon Service settings configured in this task apply to the Device template associated with the network policy. You can override the settings configured here, and also configure device-level settings, by going to Manage > Devices > Configure > Interface Settings > Wireless Interfaces > iBeacon.
  • IoT Thread profile configuration automatically takes precedence over iBeacon configuration. If iBeacon is configured and deployed, and later IoT Thread is configured and deployed, iBeacon becomes disabled and IoT Thread is enabled. If iBeacon configuration exists but has yet to be deployed, and then later IoT configuration is done and deployed, only the IoT configuration is pushed to the AP.

You can configure the embedded iBeacon transmitter in APs. As transmitters, these beacons broadcast numerical advertisements that trigger an action on Bluetooth-enabled devices that come within range. For example, an app running on a mobile device might react to an iBeacon signal by displaying welcome messages, sale announcements, or coupons.

This task is part of the network policy configuration workflow. Use this task to configure the iBeacon service for a network policy.

  1. Go to Configure > Network Policies.
  2. Select an existing policy, and then select Edit, or select Add.
  3. After you save the Policy Details, select NEXT to open the 2 Wireless page.
  4. From the Application Management menu, select iBeacon Service.
  5. Toggle the iBeacon Services setting ON.
  6. Type a Service Name.
  7. Optional: Type a Description.

    Although optional, entering a description is helpful for troubleshooting and for identification.

  8. If your organization already has a UUID number, type it in the iBeacon UUID field.

    UUID format: 32 hexadecimal (base 16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 alphanumeric and four hyphens). For example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000

    You can also automatically create a UUID with an online UUID generator, such as the one at

  9. Select Enable iBeacon Monitoring, and then enter a value in the range of 10-1200 seconds in the iBeacon Interval field.

    The default value is 60 seconds.