Manage Alerts

Go to Manage > Alerts.

The Alerts dashboard includes:



Alerts are supported for devices that are connected directly to ExtremeCloud IQ cloud management only. Devices that appear in ExtremeCloud IQ but are managed by ExtremeCloud IQ Controller, the ExtremeWireless WiNG implementation, or ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine will not generate alerts.


The ExtremeCloud IQ Pilot banner displays a Notifications icon and the total number of Unacknowledged Critical alerts raised over the last 24 hours. Hover over the icon to view a summary of the five most recent Critical alerts. Select View All to open the Alerts dashboard—from any user interface—and review details of, and optionally acknowledge, the Critical alerts.

Select Alert Policy to modify the Global Policy or to create or modify a Site Policy.

Select View Legacy Alarms to view legacy alarms.

Alert Details

By default, the Alerts dashboard displays information about alerts raised at all sites for the last 24 hours. You can filter the Alert Details list using either one or a combination of the following methods:



After you set filters, if you exit the Alerts dashboard, the filters do not persist. You cannot save filter settings.

The Alert Details pane lists alerts and related details in tabular form. Alert Details List Column Headings describes the type of information displayed in each column and the tools users can employ.

Table 1. Alert Details List Column Headings
Column Heading Description
Severity Displays alert severity levels, as follows:
  • Critical - red bead
  • Warning - yellow bead
  • Info - blue bead
Summary Provides an interactive description of the alert. Select the description to open the Alert Detail pop-up window, which displays variations of the following information, depending on the source of the alert:
  • Info
    • Summary — Summarized alert description.
    • Detected — The exact time the event was detected.
  • Source
    • Type — Possibilities are:
      • Device
      • CPU
      • PSU
    • Name — Device host name.
  • Description
    • Device ID — The identifier assigned to the device.
    • Device Name — The name assigned to the device.
    • Admin State — Managed or Unmanaged.
    • IP Address — The IP address of the device.
    • Real Device — True or False.
    • Mac Address — The MAC address of the device.
    • Model — The AP or switch model.
    • Serial Number — The device serial number.
    • Location — The site, building, and floor location of the device.
    • PSU Number — Power supply identifier.
    • PSU Capacity — Available power.
In the Alert Detail window, choose from the following actions:
  • Select to acknowledge the alert.
  • Select to close the window.
Note: Alerts can apply to specific device models based on the feature support. For example, the alert: Switch SSH Login Failed applies to switches running EXOS (Switch Engine) and VOSS (Fabric Engine) only.
Category Identifies the category of the alert. Possibilities are:
  • Device
  • XIQ
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Client
  • Anomaly
  • Static Route Ping Protection
  • DHCP Snooping Rogue MAC Detection
Source Displays an interactive device host name. Select the host name to open the Manage > Device > Monitor window to investigate the related alert issue.
Detected Indicates when the event was detected or the performance metric criteria was met.
Acknowledge Identifies the acknowledgment status of the alerts, as follows:
  • — Unacknowledged alert.
  • — Acknowledged alert.

Choose from the following actions:

  • Hover over an alert's icon to discover which user acknowledged the alert.
  • Select one or more alert check boxes, then select an icon to open the Acknowledge Alert? pop-up window. Select OK to confirm acknowledgment, or select Cancel to quit the operation.
    Note: Multiple alerts of different types and at different sites can be selected and acknowledged simultaneously.

    Once acknowledgment is confirmed, it cannot be reversed.

    Acknowledged alerts cannot be deleted. They can be filtered out of the Alert Details list using the Status drop-down menu.

Alerts Summary

Alert widgets provide a graphical summary of alerts and include color-coded refinements based on severity, category, and most prolific types of alerts. Widgets are interactive, allowing users to filter the alerts in the Alert Details list based on the refinements.

Click to expand in new window
Severity Widget
Severity Widget

This widget displays the total number of Alerts Raised for the specified time range, with the colored bands of the arch and color-matched beads below it representing refinements on the basis of Severity, as follows:

Select a colored band in the graphic, or a bead, to filter the Alert Details list on the basis of Severity.

Click to expand in new window
Category Widget
Category Widget

This widget displays the total number of Alerts Raised in all categories for the specified time range. Colored bands of the graphic and color-matched beads below it represent refinements based on Alert Category, as follows:

Select a colored band in the graphic or a bead to filter the Alert Details list on the basis of Alert Category.

Click to expand in new window
Top 5 Alert Widget
Top 5 Alert Widget

This widget displays the five most prolific alert types raised for the specified time range. Select a colored band in the graphic to filter the Alert Details list on the basis of Alert Type.