Manage Account Details

Use this task to edit your personal and company information.

  1. Mouse over Account, and then select Global Settings.
  2. From the Accounts menu, select Account Details, and then configure the settings for your account.
    Table 1. Account Details Settings
    Setting Description
    Personal Information
    Name The name of the account.

    Select Edit, type the new value, and then select Accept.

    Role Information only—you cannot edit the Role.
    Email The primary email address for your account.

    Select Edit, type the new value, and then select Accept.

    Proactive license warning email messages Select the toggle to change the setting.

    Set to ON to receive emails about upcoming license expiration dates.

    Alternate Email An alternate (optional) email address for your account.

    Select Edit, type the new value, and then select Accept.

    Phone Number The phone number for your account.

    Select Edit, type the new value, and then select Accept.

    Job Title Your job title.

    Select Edit, type the new value, and then select Accept.

    Password The password for your account.

    Select CHANGE PASSWORD, type the current password, and then type the new password twice: New Password and Confirm New Password. Select SAVE.

    Note: After you change your password, you can continue your current administrative session or navigate through the GUI. After you log out of your current session, you must enter your new password the next time you log in.

    To change your password at the log in prompt, select Forgot Password and follow the instructions.

    Select Language Select your preferred language from the menu, and then select APPLY.
    Note: You must log out for the change to take effect.
    Organization Information
    Organization Name The name of the organization.

    Select Edit, type the new value, and then select Accept.

    Industry Select an industry from the drop-down list and then select Apply.
    Note: The industry that you identify here indicates the group that submits data for CoPilot global analytics.
    Address Select Edit, type the new value, and then select Accept.