Instant Port Profile Settings

Configure the following IPP settings.
Table 1. IPP Configuration Settings
Field Description
Name Enter a Name for the Instant Port Profile.
Description Enter a Description for the Instant Port Profile.
Non-Forwarding VLAN From the menu, select a VLAN to use for the detection of attached devices; this VLAN will not forward traffic.

The non-forwarding VLAN cannot be utilized within a port type assigned to the switch.

Default Port Type From the menu, select the default port type:
  • Access Port—Use for a port connected to an individual host.
  • Trunk Port—Use for a port connected to a forwarding device such as an AP and switch that supports multiple VLANs.

Ports assigned with an Instant Port Profile inherit the selected port type settings such as type, speed, STP, MAC locking, ELRP, and PSE port settings.

Non-Match Action Select one of the options:
  • Non-Forwarding VLAN—Does not forward traffic for devices that do not match an assignment rule.
  • Use Default Port Type VLAN—Assigns the VLANs associated with the port type.

Storm control settings are inherited when the non-match action is set to use the default port type and the device does not match a defined device type.

Device Types Add a new Device Type, edit or delete an existing Device Type.

Configure the IPP Device Type settings.