Discovery Process for APs and Adapters in a Centralized Site



The following process outlines device discovery and registration for access points, and SA201 adapters, in a Centralized site.

ExtremeCloud IQ Controller supports Extreme Defender Adapter SA201 for the Defender for IoT solution. For more information on Extreme Defender for IoT, refer to documentation located in the Extreme Networks product documentation portal.

When a wireless device is powered on, it automatically begins a discovery process to determine its own IP address and the IP address of the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller. When the discovery process is successful, the AP/adapter registers with the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.

Enhanced Discovery

For deployments that do not have a local network configuration for discovery, we offer an enhanced AP onboarding experience that provides indication of the specific IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the controllers to which the AP connects.

With Enhanced Discovery, the user assigns a selection of APs to be managed by a specific controller (or high availability pair) as part of the conversion to local operating system. Once the AP boots into the local WiNG operating system, if the discovery override is defined, the AP automatically connects to the indicated controller, bypassing the traditional discovery methods.

After registering with ExtremeCloud IQ for onboarding, the AP assumes the local WiNG operating system. After booting into the local AP image, the AP interacts with the redirector to determine if the controller list is configured. If the controller IP addresses are present, the AP attempts to connect to the defined controllers.


Enhanced Discovery is supported on AP3000 and ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.