Discovering Switches

A switch discovers ExtremeCloud IQ Controller by resolving the built-in Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) extremecontrol@<domain-name> to an IP address. <domain-name> is the domain assigned to the switch by the DHCP server.

To configure switch discovery, add a single “A” record for extremecontrol@<domain-name> to the local DNS server. If using a public DNS service, add the record to the DNS service. When using the public option, the DNS servers used by the switch must be integrated with the public service.

When the switch discovers ExtremeCloud IQ Controller, the device status is initially In-Service-Trouble. This corresponds to the cloud-connector machine state Connecting and is represented in ExtremeCloud IQ Controller as a yellow triangle.

Once ExtremeCloud IQ Controller acknowledges the switch configuration, the switch enters the machine state Running. This state is represented in ExtremeCloud IQ Controller with a green circle.
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ExtremeCloud IQ Controller: Switch States During Discovery