show system service

Displays all services and corresponding versions.


show system service


Exec mode


The following example shows all system services.

device# show system service  

SERVICE                 CURRENT         ROLLBACK    READY     STATE       RESTARTS  
                        VERSION         VERSION     
api-gw                  1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
chassis-mgr             1.2.0           None        true      Running     0         
cli                     1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
config-db               1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
interface-agent         1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
interface-mgr           1.2.0           None        true      Running     0         
lacp                    1.0.0           None        true      Running     0         
lldp                    1.0.0           None        true      Running     0         
msg-bus                 1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
nexthop-agent           1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
packet-mgr              1.2.0           None        true      Running     0         
pbd-agent               1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
pcap-agent              1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
persistent-state-db     1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
pipeline-agent          1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
security                1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
sfcs-agent              1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
snmp                    1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
state-db                1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
stratum                 0.4.18-4.14.49  None        true      Running     0         
svcplane-agent          1.1.0           None        true      Running     0         
target-proxy-agent      1.1.0           None        true      Running     0