show sysinfo power-supply

Displays the hardware power supply information.


show sysinfo power-supply


Exec mode


The following example configures the VXLAN traffic type.

device# show sysinfo power-supply 

PSU Information 
Id     Status      Type    C[in]   C[out]  P[in]   P[out]  V[in]   V[out] 
1      UP          AC      2       33      408     130     210     11 
2      UP          AC      2       32      424     143     210     11 
3      Unplugged   Empty   0       0       0       0       0       0 
4      Unplugged   Empty   0       0       0       0       0       0 

Total power budget for chassis = 3200 Watts 
Total power used by LC and system core = 2040 Watts 
Total power available = 1160 Watts