show egress

Displays egress operational information for the specified egress or all egresses.


show egress [ name | all ]


Specifies the name of the egress for show egress. The egress name supports 1-32 characters. Characters allowed are alpha-numeric, underscore, and dot. Underscore is not allowed as the first character.
Specifies all egresses for show egress.


Exec mode

Usage Guidelines

A valid egress name must be provided.

You can run this command without specifying a name to display configuration information for all.


The following example shows operational egress information for ep1.

device# show egress ep1 
            Name : ep1 
       Description : egress_obj_1                  
Encap : encap_gre 
    Listener Policy : lp1 
         Precedence : 10 
             Interface : ethernet 1/2 

The following example show operational information for all configured egresses.

device# show egress all 
    Name : e1 
       Description : egress_obj_1 
               Encap : encap_gre 
       Listener Policy : v4 
         Precedence : 12 
               Interface : ethernet 1/9