show counters egress

Displays egress counters information for the specified egress.


show counters egress name


Specifies the name of the egress for counter show. The egress name supports 1 through 32 characters. Characters allowed are alpha-numeric, underscore, and dot. Underscore is not allowed as the first character.


Exec mode

Usage Guidelines

Valid egress-name must be provided.

The clear counters egress command can be used to clear egress counters.


The following example shows egress statistics for egr1.

device# show counters egress egr1 
Egress-group Packet Statistics  
   TX Frames : 10 
    TX Bytes : 1430

The following example shows egress statistics for all egresses.

device# show counters egress all
Egress Packet Statistics : ep_eg01_01
   TX Frames : 250000000 
    TX Bytes : 130000000000

Egress Packet Statistics : ep_eg01_02
   TX Frames : 250000000 
    TX Bytes : 130000000000