show capture packet interface

Displays content of the active or latest PCAP file.


show capture packet interface [all | ethernet IFNAME ]


Specifies interfaces on which packet capture is enabled.
ethernet IFNAME
Specifies the interface name in slot/port or slot/port:breakout format. Example: 1/1, 1/1-3, 5, 2/7-9, 10:1-4.


Exec mode

Usage Guidelines

The active PCAP file is updated at an interval of 10 seconds.

This command can decode and display packets with the following headers: ARP, Dot1Q, EAPOL, Ethernet, GTP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IPv4, Ipv6, LACP, LLC, LLDP, TCP, and UDP.


The following example shows content of the active PCAP file.

device# show capture packet interface all
Frames Logged on interface =  All

Pkt Capture Metadata: #1 of 1 Packets   
Frame Received  Time : Fri, 04 Dec 2020 20:25:02 UTC
Packet Length(bytes) : 64
Packet Direction     : RX
Packet Filter        : All
Front Panel Port     : 1/1
SrcMAC               : 00:00:11:da:4d:72
DstMAC               : 00:00:00:f0:c9:b9
EtherType            : IPv4(0x800)
IPv4 HEADER          :
Src IP Address       :
Dst IP Address       :
Type of service      : 0
Total Length         : 28 Bytes
Identification       : 0x0
Fragmentation        : 0
TTL                  :  64
Protocol             : ICMPv4(1)
IP Checksum          : 0x24df
ICMP DETAILS         :
ICMP Hdr Type        : EchoRequest
ICMP Hdr Code        : 0x0
ICMP Hdr Checksum    : 0xf7f7
ICMP ID              : 0x0
ICMP Sequence No     : 0x8