crypto import-pkcs

Imports a TLS server certificate and a private key in PKCS12 format.


crypto import-pkcs type [ https ] protocol [ scp | sftp ] [ host ip-address ] [ file cert-file ] [ passphrase passphrase ] [ user remote-user ] [ password password ]
no crypto import type [ https ]


Specifies use of SCP for accessing the certificate file.
Specifies use of SFTP for accessing the certificate file.
type https
Indicates that the certificate is used for HTTPS server authentication.
host remote-ip
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 unicast address of the remote server where the file is located.
user remote-user
Specifies the remote user with access to the file. Supports 1-64 characters.
password remote-user-password
Specifies the password for the remote user.


As a best practice, do not list the password in the command line for security purposes. The user is prompted for the password.
file certificate-and-key-file
Specifies the PKCS file to retrieve. Supports 1-512 characters.
pkcspassphrase passphrase
Specifies the passphrase to unlock the file. Supports 1-64 characters.


Exec mode

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to import a TLS server certificate and private key (in PKCS12 format) to a device and establish a secure connection.

The no form of the command removes the installed PKCS-format files.


The following example specifies HTTPS authentication and SCP for the certificate file ngnpb.pkcs.

device# crypto import-pkcs protocol scp type https host user testuser password password file ngnpb.pkcs pkcspassphrase passphrase
HTTPS server certificate imported.

Installing https certificate will result in a momentary delay and may affect active CLI connections - please be patient.
Successfully imported file: ngnpb.pkcs

The following example removes the installed PKCS-format files.

device# no crypto import-pkcs type https